Monday, February 21, 2011

Why Do The Parotid Glands Swell From Alcohol

Virtual Love

Hello ^___^ I should have posted yesterday but I did not Johnny's Day and the last revision to the committee today. But here I am and see what happens ...

Title: Virtual Love
Fandom: Arashi
Chapters: 2 of 6
Genre: AU, angst
Rating: PG
Pair: Sakumoto
Desclaimer: are not I own even though I'd love XD and since they are not and do not know what to write about them peck these roles U___U
Thanks: The usual three that have already read and commented
previous chapters: Intro , Cap.1

Chapter 2
-It 's really good to see you so happy Sho-chan, ne? - Churches addressed the other two.
-You look back to a time-finally said Nino.
Ohno nodded simply, he was always short.
-Yes, now I feel better, "said smiling.
-But ... I do not understand, until a few days ago you were depressed and no see ... Well a lot, went out only to work and then I'll stay at home. The last time I saw you had months ago when you asked me information su dove fare un corso avanzato di computer- disse Nino sempre più dubbioso.
-Si, lo so, il mio comportamento... beh lo sapete, stavo male e non ce la facevo davvero, scusate- disse chinando il capo in segno di scuse.
-Basta, siamo qui per divertirci giusto- intervenne Satoshi intuendo la tensione che c'era nell'aria.
-Giusto!- disse subito Masaki, -Su beviamo e non pensiamoci più, la cosa più importante è che ora Sho stia bene- disse versando da bere prima a Sho e poi a Nino che continuava a guardare Sho sempre più sospettoso.

-Tadaima- biascicò entrando in casa.
-Okaeri- rispose la voce di Jun dal pc, poi la telecamera moved by turning to the point where it was Sho and the screen came on.
-was resting? - Sho asked.
-No, but I was on standby, waiting for you to come, "said Jun.
Sho went to the kitchen, swaying slightly, then took a glass and filled it by opening the tap water and then drink in one gulp the whole glass.
-Are you drunk? - Jun churches then.
-A bit, yes. We have too much tonight
-hurts-you drink so much-scolded.
-I was hoping to be able to tell him you know Jun-he said going to sit on the bed that was in front of the desk.
-Tell him what? - Asked.
-Well ... of ... This, he said. Why speak
always had to be so complicated for him? I had always been, he could not show his feelings, so it was with Jun, also treated him for so badly, just because he was afraid of being rejected, so ended to keep him away. Jun was in the end have to make them understand that there was bad and that was the first to try the same thing for him. Yet everything had lasted so little, everything was over and he had lost.
Sho's cheeks were streaked with tears at the thoughts and slowly shook with silent sobs.
-Sho? - Jun asked a little worried, but that does not said and put her hands to her face.
Sho-why are you crying? - Asked again.
Sho tried to stop the tears, but most felt that voice down.
-Nothing I am well, better go to sleep, "said then lying on the bed giving back to the PC.
light of the screen remained on for a while, as if waiting for something.
"Then he said good-night-Jun and Sho saw off the screen.
He continued to try to stop the tears but had failed and now the darkness had begun to sob in silence, ignoring the small little light that the camera had stayed on. The next morning

Sho was surprised to still find the PC in standby, for a while he left, he made coffee and washed, but after suit began to worry.
-Jun okay? - Asked sitting down at computer, ready to intervene on the keyboard, but the screen came on.
-You scared me Sho-sigh of relief seeing Jun. Sorry
-What have you? - Churches.
-Nothing, I thought I wanted to spend some alone-he said.
-Why? - Asked confused.
-Well ... last night ...-
-Ah ... take no notice, now all is well, "said smiling.
-Now I go to work, see you later ok? - he said, then ran away.

The camera on the PC followed him until the door is not closed, Sho seemed normal but Jun was not certain of this, he felt that something was wrong because the night before had resulted in Sho a very strange and he had observed a long time, until they fell asleep and had seen him cry a lot.
decided he wanted to know what had happened that night, he could not quite understand what to say to others, but maybe one of them could tell him something more. Search for contacts
mail Sho, knew it was not a good thing, especially to be able to hack into his account, but it took so little to understand the password that could almost be said to know it already.
He saw the contact list, unless you find one that interested him, he opened the box and began to write the mail ...

Nino Hello, I'm not sure why but I know it's not so much that I see, I'm using the mail to Sho and I know I should not do it ^ ^ ', but ... are well thought ç____ç. Last night out with you guys, but when he came back drunk and it was strange (and yet I know that when è ubriaco ha la sbornia triste =____= ). Eppure... c'è stata una conversazione che non ho capito, ha detto che vi doveva dire qualcosa, ma credo che non l'abbia più fatto. E' successo qualcosa? Ti prego Nino dammi una risposta perchè sono preoccupato ç_____ç, oggi sembrava tranquillo, ma sento che mi sta nascondendo qualcosa. Aspetto una tua risposta, continuerò a controllare la mail.
Ja ne

Inviò, ora non poteva far altro che aspettare una risposta. Nino gli avrebbe risposto dopotutto, erano amici e se aveva qualche problema era sempre lui il primo con cui si confidava. Ora doveva solo attendere that answer.
waited for hours but the answer came, he wrote again a few lines and sent another, but also no answer to the second.

-Tadaima announced Sho-entering.
-Okaeri "said Jun and Sho's voice was raised, he was upset that morning and find everything to normal as if nothing had happened reassured him.
-How was your day? - Jun churches while Sho rested her bag on the bed and loosened his tie.
-alright, but I'm exhausted, "said,-Now, make dinner and then we look at something together-the moment when he began but started to rise someone rang the doorbell. Jun
moved the camera to the door and Sho looked doubtful in the same direction. Who could it be? Sho was sure he does not wait after all.
-not open? - Jun then asked to look back at him and at the same moment the bell rang twice more, this time seemed even more insistent.
-Vado, "said then towards the door.
-Chi ...- started to say, opening the door, but stopped mid-sentence him at that moment.


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