Friday, February 11, 2011

Good Insurance Companies For Kennels

Sometimes They Come Back ... GIVE ME BACK MY HEART

Unexpectedly and style ... "persecution" XDDD

LOL, but prejudice. After nearly two months of absence (not that I was not there, is that my posts are kind of missing XD) because starting / holidays / new house / new school / flu (etc., etc..) finally found something to post!
What then are the three "drabbles" (I say so, but should be of shortshortshortfic, to see them ...) YokoHina.

Titles: The sun and the moon / Amechan no kamisama / Influence
Kanjani8 Pairing: YokoHina
Rating: from PG to G.
Disclaimers: I do not belong to are a bit 'reluctant to say that we belong to each other ... Yoko probably would be happy, but could Hina hit (and hurt Hina) XD
Notes: I want to clarify that the pairing I'm still experimenting to find love them madly, but also having to work with two personalities a bit 'difficult to manage XD Anyway apart from the first that is a bit 'sly (I blame Yoko, he's a sadist) the other two are just fluff / crack so they can be read without problems also from the likes of Vampire, I mean XDDD (kidding: P You lovvvo!).
Ah, I forgot! The first is inspired by this picture: * __ * BIBU

01. The sun and moon.

was very sure of his century-old friendship with Kimitaka.
They respected each other, know each other well, they had been for years, depending on the situation, the elder brother, confidant, shoulder each other and knew how it worked in an exaggerated, twisted and a bit 'the innocent other's mind.
Kimi knew perfectly his tastes and trends as well as sexual habits and strange paranoia.
were always able to get along without major disputes without stepping on their feet, become allergic to each other ... though their characters were as opposite as black and white. The sun and moon.
But there was a "but" ... had the impression, sometimes that Kimitaka cause it.
subtle and perhaps (he had come to think) almost unconsciously ... trying to communicate something that he could not understand, something ... dangerous. Strange ... but perhaps that could intrigue.
Like when he sang ... A voice

mediocre, if not worse.
interpretation as well.
Ma .. those lips. Those lips resting on the rough metal of the microphone, as if wanting to suck, caress or perhaps bite ... his closed eyes to capture the intensity of the note, the bare-chested in the heat of the studio, with emphasis in the chest and the necklace with the pendant between them.
Then the smile that forms on the same lips, eyes that open into a little laugh and the music stops while turning to look at him: "What ails you, Gorilla? Lost for words? ".
Okay, enough. Straight
yes, But not stupid.
"After the tests ..." simply respond with a sigh, before asking the director to revive the piece.
Kimitaka laughs satisfied on those tempting lips and eyes that can not break away from her, glued.
"Finally," I hear it really clear: Oh, great.
Other than innocence.

02. Amechan kamisama no.

period was in diet, and everyone knew what that might mean: anxiety, bad day and very little energy to do anything. They had learned to treat it well or poorly at best during these bad times, so they were years now that she no longer complained: no one now dared to tell him to get a steady diet from day to day and end with the same speed it was something useless and stupid and no one shouted back for more vociferous during extraordinary evidence or records and sudden moments of laziness.
The diet is over, just had to resist ... and count the days until the beginning of the dorama and carefully weighed each food before swallowing.
Then one night, emptying the bag on the table to change the content, as it always used to do ... something foreign rolled for a while 'among its objects. A candy.
It was a sweet round of those hard sugar, among his favorites.
did not know quite how it had ended there, but thought it was useless to keep it aside to restore it to its rightful owner. He stared at her all night before deciding to discard it and eat it.
was good: he was almost forgotten the taste of sugar.
One exception to the rule would not have done so badly.
Only, for his misfortune, the day after a similar candy reappeared in bag.
He wondered if he had a magic bag that manufactured them sweets during the night, but found it impossible not so much because after all the magic does not exist (we would say the adults, TSE), but mostly because had that bag for almost four years now and had never produced sweets before. Perhaps a person with thoughtless
persisted in eating candy near his things to work ...
ate that, too, was the banana. By far his favorite.

The story went on for weeks: the candies were sometimes two, sometimes changing the type and form, sometimes finds them in his coat pocket when not carrying the bag for work or on the kitchen table when the work did not go right. The candies also chased him at the weekend in Osaka as his luggage, once opened, stocks were full of candy for the trip shinkansen and some other guy who willingly gave to the children of neighbors and his girlfriend (l ' nth) of his younger brother.
became a habit to do a tear the day to the diet and enjoy its sugary, chocolaty or fruity favorite candy during breaks at work or at home on her beloved couch.
He began to call his unknown benefactor "amechan kamisama no" and had stopped to fix or design your own things to get their cameras to the bag to discover the true face of its generous secret admirer.
Until one evening I woke up thirsty in the middle of the night and made the mistake of going into the kitchen.

"What are you doing in my kitchen??" He shouted, pointing. Even though it was pretty obvious
understand what he was doing, since he had caught in the act of Murakami put two sweets in his bag of coaching basketball. Shingo
sighed and left the candy on the table, ready to do a long speech ... Yoko decided instantly that speech did not want to hear and severed at birth:-You're the amechan no kamisama? - churches.
One thing that probably would require a six year old child in front of Santa.
-L 'original idea was to Yasu, but ... yes, I come every morning with the spare keys to fill the pockets of candy-admitted Shingo.
Why? - Yoko asked again in that tone from elementary school child who could not take off ... fault of sleep, perhaps. For non-
see you die of hunger ... and let you know, big head, which just eat what you love every day without exaggeration to be fit-again Hina said: "But since you do not understand a word ...-. Once again, Yoko
interrupted him: "Thank you" he said, simply.
He approached the table, picked up a candy, unwrapped and put it in his mouth, feeling just the sweet taste on the tongue. He repeated the action Shingo forced to eat one.
-Thank you, amechan kamisama not yet, "said, chuckling.
gladly accepted the tsukkomi that followed.

03. Influence.

Three days off.
bed, blankets, duvets. Layers of clothes to go home badly matched. Odd socks abandoned here and there. The TV always on, the medicine spread on the table. Many, perhaps a bit 'too much ... but he would not have to argue with your doctor, or worse ... with Subaru. Fever, chills, sore throat, cough, state of perpetual stoned.
Cartoons, video games and the entire afternoon and evening programming dorama.
soups, hot drinks, crackers.
calls. Phone calls if they were his relatives or friends ask, "How are you? Better? ", But if they were his friends or his siblings were more:" So, you're not dead yet? ".
For now ... no visit.
He coughed again, rolling on the mattress between the warm blankets and certainly imbued its germs ... was not passing anything. A shit about anything. It would have been sick for the rest of his life. He vegetated beds until they die of starvation and coughing. Surrounded by used tissues and empty blister.
-must ventilate the room, they said, a voice appeared from nowhere in the room. She felt
throw open the curtains and windows and the light that entered the day had fled his beloved den of disease and depression along with a sharp cold air.
-Go on ... let me die alone ...- murmured, after days that did not use the voice.
-stink, you have to take a shower. And eat something nutritious, with some Vitamin ... I go to the grocery store. I'll make the bathroom? Where do I get clothes clean in this pigpen? - Hina began to speak in bursts, as usual, with his hands on his hips as even more cruel carers.
She looked at him from his position on the bed, tangled in the blankets, only nose and eyes rimmed red sticking out between them, along with some glimpses of the facial skin almost greenish.
-Why do you inflict so much? - Sighed, but obviously not answered.
Apart from the sudden disappearance of the entire set of cold and covered with a consequent compulsion to enter the shower.

fixed the same evening pulled her room again, the dinner ready on the bedside table, your clothes clean and scented air that only he could imagine because of the cold that's holding back the sense of smell. Then the ticket
Hina under the bowl of rice.
And the day after the fever had subsided, his appetite had returned and was coughing a lot less.


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