Tuesday, February 15, 2011

When I Have My Period Why Does It Burn When I Pee

Fic: Rome Was not Built In A Day

Our Song Title: Rome Was not Built In A Day
Author: [info] lisachanoando ( [info] Lizon )
Beta: [info] melting_lullaby
Chapter: 1 / 1.
Summary: Vinicius has a problem. Alexander tries to solve it. Francis did not understand anything there.
Fandom: RP: Romanzo Criminale - La Serie.
Characters / Pairing: Vinicius / Francis, Alexander.
Genres: Comedy, Romance.
Rating: PG .
Warnings: Slash .
Wordcount: 2073
Notes: Written to earn cuoricioso punticino for L ♥ ve Fest @ [info] fanfic_italia on that prompt morally questionable of locks and anchovies wet and at the same time, rushing to the aid of my fellow angels Mission 1 the first week of COW-T @ [info] maridichallenge . I swear that there are other reasons, this fic before last night did not even exist in my head, I have no idea how it is possible that there is now for real on paper, however virtual. I am shocked.

Rome Was not Built in a Day

When Vinicius had come to him first, just to understand where he was going with this was a business. In the second cup of tea made from the take taste horrible for forty cents in the automatic machines in the backstage of the stage on which they were about to go onstage with the Aesseroma, he distinctly heard the muffled sound of his balls with which they announced the waterfalls on earth, and had finally lost patience.
- A Wine ', - he burst out disappointed - I know' all 'sti babbling and whining and chirped, and a thousand other words that end with double that at the moment i do not come in mind?! - Vinicius had looked down, embarrassed beyond human conception. - You may know that you?
- ... I have a problem. - Had finally replied, letting go sit on a box with his arms resting on her lap helpless.
- And that he had understood, but I do not think I can help you. - Had mocked him with an amused grin, - Have you tried with a speech therapist?
- Repetition. - Vinicio retorted, lifting him look malevolent, - And still I was not referring to that. But Francis.
- ... Francis. - Had told him, uncertain. - Francis? - He repeated, arching an eyebrow. Just then, Frank had arrived, late of the usual half-hour ritual that everyone took for granted when it came to him. It was not a way to make the star, Francesco simply forgot things. Appointments, such as jokes, birthdays, words of songs and everything else. To be an actor was his greatest passion but also the most titanic of his labors, which was objectively absurd, since the counting was good acting.
Alexander had observed to greet everyone, shaggy like a newly hatched chick, trying to get rid of that wore woolen scarf without having to hang with his own hands. Had smile softened observing almost tripping over his own feet as he ran towards the sound engineer was determined not to miss even a greeting to him, but more than anything it had got into the eyes that Vinicius had pasted on from the moment of his arrival, the affection with which he followed his every move and the slight frown that had risen early to pursed lips when Francis had identified and had turned to give him a nod and a smile.
- Francis. - Vinicius had repeated, nodding resignedly.
"Francis," Alessandro had thought, "oh."
* The proof of all his assumptions - both about Vinicio's intentions is the magnitude of the problem, being the cornerstone of Francesco those intentions - had arrived a few days later, during a barbecue held at the home of Daniel. The simplicity of this woman did not extend only to his way of acting, dressing or make-up, was something that was part of her deep, so everyone knew that if someone had come into his head to hold one of those beautiful repatriated causing more devastation and the flow of endless streams of alcohol, had always been able to rely on the availability of Daniela in making home service, which was great, half-empty - and then to test drunk, no ancient vases Chinese air to disintegrate at a glance - especially equipped with a huge garden with a large square, rather bleak - according to Daniel, a former farmyard for the hens, which at least justified the absence of any vegetation within twenty feet - perfect for bonfires.
Besides that area, the garden was beautiful. Lush, full of flower beds always well-prepared, especially with a small corner of paradise that did not even seem part of the rest. "My relaxation area," said Daniel, "for when it rains."
had been near the area that had seen them. They walked side by side, Francesco talked constantly, like a tireless machine, made jokes, laughed at his own jokes and laughed Vinicio not laughing at the jokes, but his laughter.
Alexander had approached by stealth, trying not to get noticed. It had been easy, because those two seemed lost in a world apart, even if Francis did not seem to give much weight to the whole. Indeed, it was more likely that he had not seen him only because in general was not attentive to anything, because that was too concentrated to scan the bottom of the eyes of Vinicius with the same languor with which Vinicius was looking at the bottom of his.
Suddenly, Vinicius had raised both hands and gave them had laid on his shoulders. Alexander, hidden behind a bush, had been holding their breath and tense.
- Francis - had said Vinicius, very serious - I like you very much.
Alex could only imagine how much effort had cost him simply say those four words one after another without ever jamming.
Francis smiled, tilting her head slightly.
- I like you too much. - He replied, nodding, - And speaking of things that I like, - he added, turning to the barbecue with your mouth water - I guess I'm going to pick 'n another one of those chicken skewers are good as hell . - Had concluded, before zompettare peace, away from there, leaving only Vinicius and a palm nose.
Alexander had again heard the familiar sound of the balls that meet the floor, but along with that he had also heard another, more subtle but even more heartbreaking, than the heart of Vinicius, who went to pieces. And had determined that would not let such a thing happening again.
* - Think of it as a war. - He said, suddenly bearing down in his trailer at four in the afternoon. They had to pause before shooting the last scenes of the fourth episode, and since the first Sollima seemed determined to turn all the scenes of Dandi, more articulate, Vinicius had the opportunity to be buried alive in the bunk, probably, had suggested Alexander, to escape from Francis, who had been busy and happy for an hour or so strolling the set every so often asking if anyone had seen his Vinicicio .
- What ...? - Muttered precisely the Vinicicio in question, raising his head from the pillow and looking lost air. Alex raised his eyebrows, opening the curtains to isolate the environment from the sun that was still outside.
- Do you know why you say that in war and in love everything is permitted? - Asked rhetorically - Why war and love are essentially the same thing! That is, - says doubtfully, rubbing his chin while Vinicius continued to stare with empty eyes - the war is love, most of the time, but love, that yes, it's war. So if you are in love, you fight for your love. You need a strategy. Vinicio
scratched the top of the head, swallowing uncertain.
- Alessa, 'are you talking about? - He resigned himself to ask the end, defeated sigh. Alexander pointed his finger out the window. Next to the stand of assorted rotisserie that the production was made available for them, swallowing Francis was the fourth pizza in the last ten minutes.
- Francis is here today. - He said. Vinicius looked at him as if to say "Embee '? We know that nun? ". - Do not make me face of Refrigeration. - Scolded him, pulling a schicchera on his forehead.
- Ouch! - Vinicio complained, upset - I'm not doing the f-face of the Cold!
- I know your face and those eyes are lost in the emptiness of the cold in front of Dandi. - He insisted and shamefully - Mo 'I'm not the Dandi. I'm the one who is trying to run your story with Francis.
- Listen, - Vinicio muttered, rubbing his head with exasperation to do - if I needed help I went to Maria de Filippi. Now, if you do not mind-
- If you do not mind, - Alexander interrupted him, close the mouth with one hand - I shut up and listen up. As I said, love war. And wars are not won by arms, but with strategy. Now, we have about twenty minutes before you resume work. Then we will turn my scene and after that Francis is gone. If you landed at my command, I promise you that by this evening you will already be cooing in the shadow of the Dome.
And Vinicius did not refuse. Probably because, with his hand still pressed to his face, could not speak. But Alexander decided to believe that instead had simply persuaded, and went on to explain his plan.
was a disaster.
* - It was a disaster. - Giustappunto Vinicius said, his head in his hands and whining voice while swaying back and forth disturbingly - a disaster. It is impossible. It's like groped to force a lock with a herring wet! He does not understand! It's waterproof! It is sc-sc-sc- stupid!
- Courage, Wines'. - Tried to console him, patting a few friendly pats on the shoulder, - Ok, maybe the idea to improvise a serenade on the glorious notes of the Caliph was not the best, but-
- It was not the best? ! - Vinicio screamed, throwing his neck and shaking it vigorously - was offended as if I had taken to swearing! "I did not think I was so vv-old , Vinicio! - Made him the verse, - I said I'm old!
- Well, 'you have almost ten years older than him, after all. - Alessandro considered doubtfully. Vinicio slumped back on the couch, moaning in despair. - Next ... - mumbled, sitting beside him - all is not lost. Have you lost a battle, not war.
- You know what, Alessa '? - Vinicio muttered standing up annoyed and sniffling - I give up.
* I do not needed. At the end of the day's shoot, Francis came over and under the eyes a bit 'upset of Alexander, as red as a pepper asked Vinicius if he wanted to accompany him to the cinema tomorrow.
- Uhm ... - Vinicius said, doubtfully, still a little embarrassed for the fool before, - we go with some friends?
Francis, if possible, blushed even harder.
- No! - Said hastily, waving his hands before his face, - No, just you and me. Vinicio
flushed in turn. His eyes shone. Alexander, full of fatherly love inappropriate, squealed and embraced them, blessing them both.
* The next day, on set, Vinicius was very dark. Alexander approached him hesitantly, without having the slightest idea of why it should be so gloomy mood after praticamente realizzato il suo sogno d’amore – e solo grazie a lui, perché lui gliel’aveva detto che quello che gli serviva era una strategia: ebbene, cosa c’era di più strategico di una seratina soli al cinema, magari nelle ultime file, ad ignorare il film per scambiarsi caldi baci nel rassicurante ed accogliente buio della sala?
- Allora… - cominciò tentennando, - Com’è andata ieri sera?
Vinicio gli sollevò addosso un’occhiata quasi vampiresca, nel suo essere così platealmente cupa e incattivita e, soprattutto, arrossata, nonché contornata da un paio di occhiaie violacee quanto mai profonde e malsane.
- Di merda. – rispose secco, - Voleva solo someone to accompany her to see that Tron is a film as a child and was ashamed to ask his friends. I was stunned when all-night talking about how he was the first fanatic as a child. And to what is bona Olivia Wilde.
- ... oh.
At the sight of all that sadness contained in a man so skinny, Alexander heart sank. She hugged him warmly, accepting his shoulder on a frustrated sigh.
- do not give up, my friend. - Said conciliatory, seeking to infuse a little 'strength in his weary limbs, - The war is not over yet. Just need a better strategy.
Vinicius raised an eyebrow and seemed doubtful, when Alexander espose il suo secondo piano. A suo dire, questa volta non poteva fallire in nessun modo.
Venne fuori che le tutine in PVC a Francesco piacevano solo se dentro c’era Olivia Wilde. Fu un disastro anche quella volta. Ma Alessandro stava cominciando a prenderci gusto, e Vinicio a farci il callo. Il sorriso genuinamente divertito e vagamente incuriosito di Francesco dopo la piazzata, peraltro, lasciava qualche speranza.
Di comune accordo, Alessandro e Vinicio decisero di riprovarci. Chissà che, alla lunga, non riuscissero a vincere.
- Roma non è stata costruita in un giorno. – disse trionfante Alessandro, quella sera, riportandolo a casa. Vinicio convenne che era vero. E Francesco valeva la pena tanto quanto the city. He held out.
- But enough rompers PVC. - Established severe.
Alexander nodded. He would find something else.


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