Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bloons Td Ipod Touch Guide

Fic: I'll save you from any melancholy.

Title: I'll save you from any melancholy. (Because you're a special, and I will take care of you)
Author: [info] innocence8
Beta: Nessunonessunonessuno, shame on me, my family and also on my cow while we're at . Let me point out the nonsense, eh? Because I'm terrible, I know / or \\
Fandom: RPF - FC Inter. ♥
Characters / Pairing: ♥ ♥ ♥ Thiago Motta / Diego Milito ♥ ♥ ♥ (EmmeDue now and forever ♥)
Wordcount: 564 (FDP)
Rating: G.
Warnings: Slash , flufffffff. Much. Angst. (?)
Disclaimers: Buuuugie. And because you are not mine belong together
Notes: ... [info] waferkya , I know that is not even remotely comparable to a Tumblr dedicated to Thiago * laughs * But this will pass the convent aka the poor thing to your wife. Thiago in person I can give at this time. Ask Diego.
(I know it's a cazzatella. And I also know that the Holy God, the title deserves better. In fact, the recycle. \\ O /)

Ah. The banner really exists, and I love him like I never loved any other banner. * Cries * love

I'll save you from any melancholy.
(Because you're a special, and I will take care of you)

Thiago Diego does not feel into her room, engaged as it is to fix the computer screen and follow the rhythm of whatever you have in the huge headphones on his head. When Diego comes up to him and puts her hands on his shoulders not even startled, recognizing just touch, and turns to look at him with shining eyes, asking for a kiss. Diego is mesmerized by what's on screen is a video on YouTube, a highlight of the Champions League final. Would you laugh and give him a slap but before you even have time Thiago rises headphones and throws herself on him.

"You were beautiful that night, shining a light all yours," she whispers with unconditional devotion, "and hate the fact that you now can not you be the same as before."

Diego would say that nothing has changed, which is always the same year Diego Milito last one that led his team on the roof of Europe, but what sense would tell a lie to the person who knows him best in the entire world - apart from Gabriel? Why deny the obvious in this way? He shakes his head and rests his forehead against that of Thiago and remains so to fix it, and can clearly hear the scream of boots come from the headphones.

"Why do you keep watching these videos?", Asks him almost hurt.

"I told you, Die ': I miss you. I've been here and yet there is something in you that, at this time is not right. "

if Thiago pulls her up and puts the video again. Shakes his life and follow along moments already seen a million times, moments that will always remain. Diego shining eyes and laughs, laughs Diego bursting into tears in Madrid after the first goal, he laughs because contrary to popular belief did not forget anything at all for anything that night, he laughs because her man goes to got out of these things when he lacks his goals. Ride until it ends, even after laughs, never stops, laughs and even forgotten why. Thiago watching him and kisses him suddenly kidnapped, stifling yet another laugh. They look like two kids, there on the same chair, in front of a computer. It appears that is their first kiss and not one of an infinite series. Thiago kisses all over her face, kisses still smile Diego does not want to go out, kissing her eyelids that hide the most beautiful eyes of the world, tenderly kisses him and kisses him full stop.

The cradle in her arms, resting her head on his shoulder, a whispered "I love you" somewhere on the neck; Diego seems more comfortable now, and it is this which has to keep quiet. Thiago open some other page, looking for something until they find what they need, you watch Diego and is also a banner of the North, Thiago what he loved more: "Too grateful for not waiting. Diego Milito, the North is with you. " Diego smiled again, more openly, and turns once again to give him a kiss, to thank him and gave him the confidence of the force that can give him a glance.

"Make goals, Diego. Do it for me tomorrow. "

Diego nods, with blue eyes that stare intently.

"You're always El Principe , no?" El Principe

never stop laughing when she is with him.

... Y tú eres princesa me. "

Thiago gives him a slap before getting to kiss again.


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