Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Think My Dog Has A Stomach Ache


Title: \u0026lt;BLOSSOM>
Part: One shot
Words: 5000 Ca
Group : Kat-tun
Couples: Kameda (yet? xD)
Genre: AU, angst
Rating: pg-17 (for violence more than anything else ...)
Disclaimer: names are not mine, the characters
Warning: Yaoi, boy's love, shounen ai, call it what
want Note: The italics corresponds to the character's thoughts or, if it is contained in a direct speech, corresponds to the French language.
that labor ... and fatigue>. \u0026lt;I went to get mixed up in a city I do not know>. \u0026lt;but they're just stupid x ° ° ° D

ok, there FICCI to leave Buna reading ^ ^!


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