Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Colours For Shag Bands

Practical Magic Natural Magic Wicca

Natural Magic by Scott Cunningham
Get in touch with nature to reveal its secrets. Cunningham teaches us to find in nature the tools to do the magic: fire, water, air, rocks, trees, rain and fog.

Green Witchcraft (I - II - III)
Ann Moura
important book on the mechanisms Magic of Nature, probably the best text on natural magic. Ann Moura gives the maximum in this work with rituals, notional, and more. They also followed
"Green Witchcraft" vol. II and vol. III both excellent texts though not to the level of the first.

Grimoire for the Green Witch by Ann Moura

The library of natural magic more accurate and complete market, a real book of shadows useful, clear and effective.
At present she is only in English Lungu.

Green Magic by Ann Moura
practice with the forces of nature, the magic of the woods, of the Elementals, Earth Mother and the Horned God. Stars, rocks, water and wind: every single particle of the cosmos becomes a magical tool to work with the energy that permeates everything.
English only.


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